This game is a product for the 1st Medicinal game jam in Paris, France.


ENDOmind (endometriosis association) and ComPaRe (patient community for research) have joined forces to develop "Utter Us", a video game for smartphones on the theme of gynecological diseases.

This game will be the cornerstone of a communication campaign for the general public on women's health and sexual health during a digital campaign.

It is necessary to make young women aware of these health problems for which solutions exist. Delayed diagnosis still causes too much physical, psychological and social damage. The prototype of the game was created during a GameJam by concerned people, doctors, researchers, game artists, game designers, developers and musicians. It is therefore a collaborative story that naturally turns to crowdfunding to continue the adventure.

The idea of this game is to demystify these diseases, to propose a popularization by providing medical and scientific explanations at each level.


- Kek : Sound Designer & Project Manager

- Camille Garoche : Medical Expert (Patient) & Graphist

- Astrid Chevance : Medical Expert (Research)

- Theodora Oikonomidi : Médical Expert (Research)

- Rudy Michel : Game Artist

- Natacha Brabants : Game Artist

- Sebastien Gaumin : Game Developer 

- Thibault Pagerie : Game Developer

- Gabriel Nivaud :Game Developer

- Aurélien Fontaine : Game Designer

Nathan Mezza : Game Designer

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