A downloadable game

Play to help scientists study ocean health.

Welcome to Play for Plankton, the first citizen science game offered by RESOLV'IT (https://www.resolvit.fr/)

Article about the game : https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/environnement/biodiversite/environnement-un-je...

Have fun while advancing science.

👩‍🔬By playing, you contribute to a scientific research 👩‍🔬

Project from a French oceanography laboratory that studies the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems.

🦐Professor JO's team needs your help to sort through plankton.🦐

Plankton is both an indicator and a vital link to the health of the oceans. By playing, you allow researchers to closely monitor its evolution and understand variations in its abundance and diversity. This is a major challenge for ecology, biogeochemistry, and climatology.

🌊The most useful game for the ocean.🌊

Through a simple game mechanic (connecting similar images), you identify the different organisms present in the samples provided to us by Professor JO and his team. Through collective effort and statistics, players gradually categorize the previously "anonymous" plankton. This identification is the essential first step for scientific teams in their research.

🕵️‍♀️75% of the deep ocean remains unexplored. Discover marine microorganisms while having fun!🕵️‍♀️

Published 23 hours ago
Tags2D, Casual, Cute, Fishing, Relaxing, Sci-fi, Singleplayer

Available on

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